Why is $x^0 = 1$ except when $x = 0$?

Why is any number (other than zero) to the power of zero equal to one? Please include in your answer an explanation of why $0^0$ should be undefined.

Solution 1:

For non-zero bases and exponents, the relation $ x^a x^b = x^{a+b} $ holds. For this to make sense with an exponent of $ 0 $, $ x^0 $ needs to equal one. This gives you:

$\displaystyle x^a \cdot 1 = x^a\cdot x^0 = x^{a+0} = x^a $

When the base is also zero, it's not possible to define a value for $0^0$ because there is no value that is consistent with all the necessary constraints. For example, $0^x = 0$ and $x^0 = 1$ for all positive $x$, and $0^0$ can't be consistent with both of these.

Another way to see that $0^0$ can't have a reasonable definition is to look at the graph of $f(x,y) = x^y$ which is discontinuous around $(0,0)$. No chosen value for $0^0$ will avoid this discontinuity.

Solution 2:

This is a question of definition, the question is "why does it make sense to define $x^0=1$ except when $x=0$?" or "How is this definition better than other definitions?"

The answer is that $x^a \cdot x^b = x^{a+b}$ is an excellent formula that makes a lot of sense (multiplying $a$ times and then multiplying $b$ times is the same as multiplying $a+b$ times) and which you can prove for $a$ and $b$ positive integers. So any sensible definition of $x^a$ for numbers $a$ which aren't positive integers should still satisfy this identity. In particular, $x^0 \cdot x^b = x^{0+b} = x^b$; now if $x$ is not zero then you can cancel $x^b$ from both sides and get that $x^0 = 1$. But if $x=0$ then $x^b$ is zero and so this argument doesn't tell you anything about what you should define $x^0$ to be.

A similar argument should convince you that when $x$ is not zero then $x^{-a}$ should be defined as $1/x^a$.

An argument using the related identity $(x^a)^b = x^{ab}$ should convince you that $x^{1/n}$ is taking the $n$th root.

Solution 3:

If $a$ and $b$ are natural numbers, then $a^b$ is the number of ways you can make a sequence of length $b$ where each element in the sequence is chosen from a set of size $a$. You're allowed replacements. For example $2^3$ is the number of 3 digit sequences where each digit is zero or $1$: $000, 001, 010, \ldots, 111.$

There is precisely one way to make a zero length sequence: one. So you'd expect $0^0=1$.