Python3.9.6 interpreter does not appear in pycharm

I just installed Ubuntu 20.04 and just update python3.8 to python3.9 as you can see below

python version

The problem is now that i want to use Pycharm i only get the python3.8 interpreter, my question how can i add the python3.9.. i already tried several thign but strill does not recognize the interpreter. This is how it appears to me in Pycharm CE.


Solution 1:

Since you made python3.9 the default version of python3, the /usr/bin/python3 shown in PyCharm should be Python 3.9.

You have not mentioned how you installed python3.9. It is dangerous to replace default version of Python in Ubuntu, as certain system components may stop working (in case there are no issues, you need not worry).

It is a good idea to install it with sudo apt install python3.9 and call it with the command python3.9 (and it should then show up in PyCharm as /usr/bin/python3.9).