How to run dell command-configure with the terminal?

To make the binaries from dcc discoverable without having to type the full path every time, open the file ~/.bashrc and add the following to the end,

export PATH="/opt/dell/dcc:$PATH"

Then when you open a new terminal, simply cctk will look for and execute this file in /opt/dell/dcc.

As for the actual usage, you’ll have to read the manual or help guide to understand how it works. usage error means the program was executed, but did not have the required command line arguments passed to it.

Another solution is to add symlink to your /usr/local/sbin directory.

$ sudo ln -s /opt/dell/dcc/cctk /usr/local/sbin/

Check the link

$ type cctk
cctk is /usr/local/sbin/cctk