How to enable cURL in PHP / XAMPP

On Debian with Apache 2:

apt-get install php5-curl
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

(php4-curl if it's php4)

Since you're using XAMPP, uncomment the line


in xampp\apache\bin\php.ini, and then restart the Apache service.

NB: In newer XAMPP versions, PHP has moved to root xampp folder xampp\php\php.ini.

Steps for Windows 7:

  1. Ensure that the php.ini file that the PHP engine uses is the one you think it is.
  2. Ensure extension_dir in php.ini is correctly set to the ext folder
  3. Ensure extension=php_curl.dll in the php.ini is uncommented

Finally and maybe the one most people don't know: 4. Ensure that there are these two files in the Windows System32 folder: libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll If not there, you may copy these two files from the php folder.