Will updating my Windows 10 to Windows 11 affect my Ubuntu

I have dual booted my computer, (by default the OS my computer boots into is Ubuntu) and I now want to update my Windows 10 to Windows 11, will this affect my Ubuntu installation. I have read in some place that this can lead to MBR being overwritten and hence I could loose my Linux system, is it possible that I can do this without affecting my Ubuntu system

Solution 1:

It seems that Microsoft considers the installation of Grub as an unsecure threat, which sould be deleted to be able to upgrade to Windows 11.
I interprete this that the quality of Linux is so high that Microsoft considers it as a threat for their futuristic market share!

What I suggest to test is:

  1. have an Ubuntu live USB. (i.e.: the one of your installation)

  2. use the Windows 10 installation usb to repair it's own boot startup.

  3. enable secure boot

  4. upgrade the windows 10 to windows 11

  5. disable secure boot

  6. repair the GRUB menu with the live USB

Solution 2:

I had both windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 on dual boot (default OS: windows 10). I've visited this thread before upgrading to W11. I decided to back up Ubuntu and give it a try. And, I've upgraded to Windows 11 just a few hours ago using insiders, and it hasn't affected my Ubuntu installation at all. Everything's alright:) And lemme let you know, W11 isn't just fast, it's quicky quick quick to boot compared to W10 and the current version is pretty stable as far as I've explored and based on the reviews.

Solution 3:

Indeed Window can make things messy, several options:

  • if you don't care about reinstalling your Linux distribution, update Windows then do a clean reinstall,

  • if you do care, several disk utility allow to analyze the disk and reconfigure GRUB the MBR. But I would make a backup first just in case...

Edit: Edited thanks to several comments.

Solution 4:

I use a ThinkPad T14 with encrypted LUKS and GRUB with two boot options, Manjaro and Windows Boot Manager.

To be able to update to Windows 11 I just had to enable SecureBoot (which led to booting directly into Windows), perform the update, and then deactivate SecureBoot again.

No hassle, my GRUB worked right away again.

Solution 5:

I had a dual-boot setup with windows 10 & a debian-based linux OS. I used the windows 11 assistant to upgrade my windows 10 pro version to windows 11 pro. Everything transferred fine, including the dual-boot linux operating system. No problems!