How to stop iTunes from automatically downloading purchased TV shows?

Solution 1:

Ultimately, I was able to stop iTunes from automatically downloading TV shows with the following steps:

  1. With iTunes open select iTunes > Preferences... and click the Store tab
  2. If checked, uncheck checkbox Always check for available downloads
  3. If checked, uncheck checkbox Download pre-orders when available
  4. Click the OK button, and close iTunes
  5. Remove the contents of your Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/Downloads directory. You should be able to do that through Finder or by following these steps:
    1. Open Applications > Utilities >
    2. Type rm -rf ~/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Downloads/* then press <Enter>to delete the plist file along with all of the downloads of TV shows. (Note: this method removes the files permanently, which is fine since the next step re-downloads them.)
  6. Re-open iTunes. There shouldn't be TV shows automatically downloading any longer when you open iTunes. Breath. Relax. Rejoice.