Spring MVC How take the parameter value of a GET HTTP Request in my controller method?
In this period I am studing the Spring MVC showcase example (downloadable from STS dasboard) and I have some simple question about the Request Mapping
1) In my home.jsp
page I have this link:
<a id="byParameter" class="textLink" href="<c:url value="/mapping/parameter?foo=bar" />">By path, method, and presence of parameter</a>
As you can see by this link I am doing an HTTP GET Request having a "foo" parameter containing the value: "bar".
This HTTP Request is handled by the following method of the controller class MappingController:
@RequestMapping(value="/mapping/parameter", method=RequestMethod.GET, params="foo")
public @ResponseBody String byParameter() {
return "Mapped by path + method + presence of query parameter! (MappingController)";
This method manage HTTP Request (only GET
type) that have a parameter named "foo"
How can I take the value ("bar") of this parameter and put it in a variable inside the code of my by Parameter method?
Solution 1:
As explained in the documentation, by using an @RequestParam
public @ResponseBody String byParameter(@RequestParam("foo") String foo) {
return "Mapped by path + method + presence of query parameter! (MappingController) - foo = "
+ foo;
Solution 2:
You could also use a URI template. If you structured your request into a restful URL Spring could parse the provided value from the url.
<a id="byParameter"
class="textLink" href="<c:url value="/mapping/parameter/bar />">By path, method,and
presence of parameter</a>
@RequestMapping(value="/mapping/parameter/{foo}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody String byParameter(@PathVariable String foo) {
//Perform logic with foo
return "Mapped by path + method + presence of query parameter! (MappingController)";
Spring URI Template Documentation