KeePass justification [closed]

I've been a long time KeePass user, and if I were tasked with justification, I'd probably do the following:

  • Skim the sites FAQ for all of their details about security. Everything I've seen there will practically sell itself.
  • Show the longevity and support for the project, indicating it isn't going to be dropped by the wayside anytime soon.
  • Show off a few features, such as the fact that passwords are displayed encrypted by default (not sure if you're putting a mask in the Excel spreadsheet or not). This alone prevents prying eyes.
  • You can double click the password entry to copy it to the clipboard and have it auto flush out in 10 seconds. This keeps the password out of "plain sight" as much as possible.
  • Demonstrate how the password database itself can be locked down via password, key file, or even Windows Account, which allows you to store the password database in a central location and manage it that way.
  • The password generator helps ensure you are getting non "user friendly" passwords that can be generated in nearly any format you want.

The bottom line is that you get a solid database to store passwords that can be managed and transferred without fear of it getting hacked into. In addition there are lots of features that makes password management simpler, which helps in the big picture.

Hopefully this gives you some ideas to consider. I'm not involved with the program at all, I just love it. I use it at home and at work daily.