A rapid way to type funny characters from Scalaz?

Is there any easy and fast way to type the funny characters (like ⊛, ≟, ∘, ∨ etc) from Scalaz? (I am using Ubuntu 9.04)

  1. Use the ASCII aliases provided by the library. For example, |+| is an alias for .
  2. Use IntelliJ IDEA, with these Live Templates. You can then write x mapmap<TAB> to get x ∘∘. Installation instructions are covered in this recent question. IntelliJ has a free Community Edition, and its my personal choice and recommendation for Scala coding.
  3. I believe the shortcut in Gnome to enter an Unicode character is CTRL-SHIFT-U, Hex Code, Enter.
  4. Create templates for your favourite editor.

Why use these these symbols at all?

  1. We rely on the Pimp-my-Library pattern, but rather than wrapping one particular type, we provide extra functions that work for any type with suitable type class instances. Using non-standard characters minimises name clashes with methods provided by the original types.
  2. Some operations, like Functor map, Monadic bind, and Applicative Functor apply are really commonly used and fundamental. Scala builds some of these into the langauge with for-comprehensions. So we give you the option to use the Scalaz versions with a minimum of syntactic clutter, almost as though they were part of the language itself.


some(7) ∘ {1 +} 
List(1, 2, 3) ∗ {x => List(7, x)} 
case class Person(age: Int, name: String)
some(10) ⊛ none[String] apply Person.apply