Can't map capslock key using AutoKey

My goal is to map CapsLock to Backspace.

When I get to this point, pressing the CapsLock key doesn't do anything and will actually crash AutoKey.

enter image description here

  1. First map your CapsLock key to a Hyper key adding the below in to a new file in the home directory with the name .Xmodmap.

    clear Lock
    remove mod4 = Hyper_L
    keycode 66 = Hyper_L
    add Lock = Hyper_L
  2. Then autostart this by adding below to one of the startup file, depending on your requirement. (ie. .xinitrc, .bashProfile, .Profile or, if you're using a window manager, adding to the window manager config) xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap.

  3. Then Autokey will start recognizing your CapsLock key as a Hyper key