Visual Studio 2012 - Intellisense sometimes disappearing / broken

These are the few top solutions for getting Visual Studio 2012 intellisense back on track try them one by one, hope one of them will solve the problem:

When the problem occurs next time follow these: start from #1 and Move to next when the earlier one doesn't work for you

1: Close all the tabs and open your file again. (Thanks to russds)

2: Clean the Build > Close the Solution > Restart Visual Studio > Open the Solution again

3: Goto: Edit > IntelliSense > Refresh Local Cache

4: Close Visual Studio 2012 and delete this folder: %AppData%\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ReflectedSchemas

5: Goto: TOOLS > Import and Export Settings > Reset all settings

6: Delete .suo file in the project folder. (Thanks to Jason Steele)

I am hopeful your problem will get solved by any of the above six steps. But if it doesn’t after all this than I think you should consider reinstalling your VS2012.

I use Visual Studio 2012 and I have the same problem. To fix it (when Intellisense is not working anymore), I just have to close the current tab (in which Intellisense is not working) and reopen it. There is no need to close Visual Studio or all the tabs.

Tried everything. The thing that WORKED is deleting the SUO file. It is a hidden file called SolutionName.v11.suo in the solution directory:

  1. Close the solution
  2. Make sure you can see hidden files.
  3. Erase the suo file.
  4. Reopen solution.

You will loose the solution desktop (no files will be opened automatically in the editor), but that's a small price to pay to get intellisense back :)

You don't need to restart Visual Studio. Instead, close the current solution and then reopen it again. I hope there was an easier solution though.

Update 4/16: For XAML users, a solution that works is as simple as intentionally breaking your code; this should be enough to retrieve intellisense back. More in here.

Could not verify if this works for other types of code as well, but if it does, please leave a comment.

Delete the .suo file. Try this, it worked for me after all else failed.