easiest way to automate all software installations for new users/computers?

Basically, for every new user we have about 30 different installers that all need to be run manually after an install of windows which is tedious/time consuming.

We can't simply ghost/image the computers as they come because of the wide variety of hardware being used (all laptops). What would you suggest to run through all the installers automatically without requiring me to sit and click 'next'.. 'next'.. 'continue'.. 'no dont install msn toolbar please'?

There are a number of ways to do this. Sysprep is a common choice for Windows machines. I prefer to use images (Ghost, Drive Image, etc.).

Either way, what you do is set up one machine the way you want, then either image or sysprep it and use that as your source for other machines.

I use a program called InstallPad. It's really easy to use and you can add them as silent installs and just start it and the program does the rest... only requirement is a place where all the programs are located. Can be network share usb drive or similar.

You need to look at the command line install options for all those programs and write a batch file/script to run them in turn passing the appropriate option flags to each installer to get the results you want.

If you're interested in publicly available package like Firefox, Chrome, Trucrypt, Notepad++, etc. Look into Ninite. You can select what you want and it will run without any user action required.

They are technically free, with a paid corporate option. I use it for every new machine that we receive.