How to simplify Nagios config in giant datacenter

Say I built 1000 servers from the same OS Image, everything is the same including SNMP configs (They all have unique IP addresses of course). For each server, I want to monitor the same 12 services, all via SNMP, using Nagios.

In the Nagios config, is there a way to configure each server such that I don't have to repeat the 12 service entries in every single host file?

Something like: 
    Host MyHost {
      ServiceGroup 12Monkeys;

Better yet, is there a way to say "for these 1000 servers, monitor these 12 services"?

Servicegroup 12Monkeys {


For the services, list a hostgroup_name rather than host_name. Then place each host into the appropriate hostgroup definition.

You can also add exceptions if desired. For example on a service you can list a hostgroup_name and then host_name !server1 to exclude server1 from that service check despite being in the hostgroup.

Documentation on Host Groups is at

The pointers to use hostgroups and servicegroups are good. If you have a giant datacenter you presumably you have some sort of configuration management / server inventory system. I would also focus on automatically generating the appropriate Nagios configurations for these services from that system.