Is there any way to "Reset" or "Clear" windows paging file size which is managed by system?

Is there any way to "Reset" or "Clear" windows paging file size which is managed by system? In my case I have 16 gigs of ram installed and all paging file settings are set to auto. At some point in time memory leak happened and my pagefile of ~2 gb incrased in size to 16 GB. How to I force windows to reset it size to it's original size? I've tried disabling it completely and re-enabling, setting custom size to 2 GB and then setting it back to auto - it's always changing back to 16 GB when returning to auto.

Solution 1:

This can be done through the UI. You have to find the "System" or "System Info" control panel. In Windows 10, this can be found by right-clicking "System Info" neat the bottom of the dialog. From there, click "Advanced system settings" (bottom link on the left), then go to the "Advanced" tab and click the "Settings..." button in the "Performance" section. Next click the "Advanced" tab and you should see your pagefile usage listed in the "Virtual Memory" section. Click "Change..." to alter the settings. A reboot is required for most changes.