Automatic hyperlink in Excel

Is it possible to hyperlink a url in excel automatically. I mean when the cell starts with something like http or www can I hyperlink that. Currently, I have to hit enter in the cell value in the formula bar to make the link as clickable. Also if I change the value in the cell, the link doesnt get refreshed until I hit enter. Is there a way in excel where it will automatically detect and apply a hyperlink.

Solution 1:

You can create a hyperlink in Excel with the =HYPERLINK formula.

  1. Have the path / URL in a cell (Let's use A2 as an example)
  2. use =HYPERLINK(A2) in another cell
  3. Done!

The image below shows a (redacted) example of creating a Hyperlink (of a mapped drive) in column A with column C & B together.

enter image description here

Solution 2:

There is a setting that automatically links manually-entered URLs. To activate it, do the following steps.

Open the Excel Options dialog by clicking on the Office button and selecting the Excel Options button.

Open the Excel Options dialog

In the Excel Options dialog, go to the Proofing section and click the AutoCorrect Options button.

Click the AutoCorrect Options button

In the AutoCorrect dialog, go to the AutoFormat As You Type tab and make sure "Internet and network paths with hyperlinks" is checked.

Make sure 'Internet and network paths with hyperlinks' is checked

Then you should be able to enter URLs as desired and they will be automatically turned into a hyperlink.