Android: Is it possible to display video thumbnails?
I created a video recording application with library dialog. The library dialog displays the list of recorded videos where each item consists of icon, video title, tags and location information the following way:
Does anyone know whether it is possible to replace icons with video thumbnails (single frame preview)?
Solution 1:
if you don't or cannot go through cursor and if you have only paths or File objects, you can use since API level 8 (2.2) public static Bitmap createVideoThumbnail (String filePath, int kind)
Android documentation
The following code runs perfectly:
Bitmap bMap = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(file.getAbsolutePath(), MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND);
Solution 2:
If you are using API 2.0 or newer this will work.
int id = **"The Video's ID"**
ImageView iv = (ImageView ) convertView.findViewById(;
ContentResolver crThumb = getContentResolver();
BitmapFactory.Options options=new BitmapFactory.Options();
options.inSampleSize = 1;
Bitmap curThumb = MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.getThumbnail(crThumb, id, MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND, options);
Solution 3:
Using the class:
import android.provider.MediaStore.Video.Thumbnails;
We can get two preview thumbnail sizes from the video:
for 96 x 96
for 512 x 384 px
This is a code example:
String filePath = "/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/my_video.mp4"; //change the location of your file!
ImageView imageview_mini = (ImageView)findViewById(;
ImageView imageview_micro = (ImageView)findViewById(;
Bitmap bmThumbnail;
//MICRO_KIND, size: 96 x 96 thumbnail
bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(filePath, Thumbnails.MICRO_KIND);
// MINI_KIND, size: 512 x 384 thumbnail
bmThumbnail = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(filePath, Thumbnails.MINI_KIND);