How to prevent Microsoft Teams "Allow settings change?" dialog on startup?

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and I've installed Microsoft Teams using Ubuntu Software.

My problem is that I am always getting this annoying dialog when starting teams. I said yes and no many times. No matter what I click teams start but the dialog will come again next time.

The dialog:

Allow settings change?
Allow snap "teams-for-linux" to change "default-url-scheme-handler" subproperty "msteams" to "teams-for-linux_teams-for-linux.desktop"


Has anyone any idea of how to remove or prevent this dialog?

Solution 1:

@n0rbert gave me this hint in a different question.

Instead of the teams-for-linux snap, I just used the teams snap (or the teams-insiders snap). Both are also available in Ubuntu Software.

This solves the problem.