Audo/video with pidgin?

Does anyone know how to make audio and video calls work with Pidgin (for those protocols that support it)?

Video is supposed to work on MSN, and audio is supposed to work on Google Talk, but whatever I try the Media->Audio Call and Media->Video Call menu options are always greyed out. My microphone and webcam are plugged in and work (and Empathy's video preferences can see them), so I know it's not a hadware problem; I have installed libgstfarsight0.10-0 and gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad; but I still can't make pidgin do audio calls.

This is with Pidgin 2.7.3 and Maverick.

Any ideas?

According to the Pidgin voice and video trac not much work has been done on MSN. XMPP (and Google Talk) should work.

According to here you need both gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg.

Why is there a greyed-out option? As a placeholder. Yes, farsight has MSN Webcam support but according to the imfreedom wiki "is a unidirectional Video only conversation".