Upgrading to 21.04 from 20.10? Not sure if I should?

I'm kind of new to Ubuntu and running 20.10. I see there is a 21.04 out now. Not sure if I should upgrade or not. Is that a true upgrade?

I feel like everything is running smooth and Spotify is finally recognizing my local files which is has not been for a long time. My recording programs Nuendo and Cubase through Wine finally have sound and are working great. My Plex server is running amazing as well. I don't want to mess anything up.

Ubuntu 20.10 will reach End Of Life in three months (July 2021). After that, you won't receive any security patches anymore.

So, yes, you should release-upgrade your system to 21.04 sometime during the three-month window.

  • Pro tip: DO NOT WAIT until the last minute. Once that window expires, it becomes much harder to release-upgrade your system.

  • Pro tip: A release-upgrade is a non-trivial event. The first step of a release-upgrade should be backing up your data. Just in case.

Non-LTS releases of Ubuntu release every six months in April and October (that's the .04 and .10 in the release number), so start marking your calendar. Each release has a life of only nine months; users of non-LTS releases expect to release-upgrade twice each year. In exchange for that 40-minute chore, users get newer software and bugfixes.

If you don't want to release-upgrade every six months, you can install an LTS release instead. Those are supported for five years (20.04 LTS is supported until April 2025).