VLC - much worse video quality than other players (horizontal stripes)

Solution 1:

This problem may be related to the snap version of VLC, and the apt version won't have this issue.

Enter the command to install the apt version of VLC.

sudo apt install vlc

And enter the following command to remove the snap version

sudo snap remove vlc

I would suggest not to use snaps or flatpaks for widely available software unless you require the very latest version for some reason. snap is still quite a new technology. They consume more storage space, more bandwidth, and are slow on first startup compared to the the same software installed from apt.

Of course, snaps/flatpak are a great way to get software that is otherwise not available/hard to install, but for common software, they are really not required.

Solution 2:

I had the same problem, but in my case, I didn't install it using snap.

What I did to fix it was to go to Tools > Preferences and change the output from automatic to X11 video output (XCB)