How to get global application menu for gvim?

Solution 1: Make the global menu for gvim work

To get global menu for gvim and to get rid of the warning message, add this to ~/.bashrc and restart the terminal:

function gvim () { (/usr/bin/gvim -f "$@" &) }

Solution 2: Disable global menu for gvim

To just get rid of the warning message, you can disable the global menu, at least for gvim:

  • How do I enable or disable the global application menu?
    • Answer #133005 - Several options for how to disable the global menu

For example, add this to ~/.bashrc and restart the terminal:

alias gvim='UBUNTU_MENUPROXY= gvim'



There is a workaround here:

Create an alias at the top of your shell init file (e.g. ~/.bashrc):

alias gvim="UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 gvim"

My Ubuntu 12.04 amd64 can work with gvim -f.

  • vim-gnome: 2:7.3.429-2ubuntu2.1+aptbuild1
  • terminator: 0.96-0ubuntu1+aptbuild1
  • guake: 0.4.2-7+aptbuild1

I can add the -f(--nofork) option when start gvim:

alias gvim="gvim -f"

This only works for gvim.
firefox and others don't have this -f option.