Brightness Adjustment on Desktop Computer

I have Ubuntu 12.10

I need an application/software that can increase and decrease my brightness.

I know I can do it through my pc monitor but I don't want that. I want to control it through a software.

I personally cannot find an application about this issue.

I know that it is possible because the OS has the Fading effects before Screen Savers.

I want to control brightness through a software for desktop pc.

Solution 1:

Install Brightness Controller from its PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/brightness-controller
sudo apt update
sudo apt install brightness-controller

Screenshot 1

Picture: Brightness Controller

Now you can adjust the brightness using the slider.

Note: You will have to disable redshift/night light for the program to work properly.

Solution 2:

Use DDC protocol:

sudo apt-get install ddccontrol
sudo modprobe i2c-dev

sudo ddccontrol -p

Note the device e.g "/dev/i2c-2"

Set the permissions (if needed):

sudo chmod a=+rw /dev/i2c-2

Under "Brightness and Contrast", the control address is "0x10" in my case.

ddccontrol dev:/dev/i2c-2 -r 0x10 -w 70

70 is the brightness value to set.

If you only want to query:

ddccontrol dev:/dev/i2c-2 -r 0x10

You can play with contrast and other parameters as well; note their addresses in the

ddccontrol -p
