Error message "Signal out of range 92KHz - 58Hz " when starting Ubuntu. What is wrong and how can I fix it?

You appear to be asking about two different things.

  1. I get this message on the monitor Signal out of range 92KHz - 58Hz

    I do not know what this means. My guess is that something is wrong with the configured settings which Ubuntu attempts to use for your display. When it attempts to apply them it gets this error. After this Ubuntu probably just uses settings which do work.

    I am not sure how you could fix this. What I would try ... and this is just a guess ... is to open System Settings > Displays, click on Detect Displays, and then try changing the resolution.

    Hopefully someone else will have a better answer ...
  2. I can not load Windows!

    It is hard to suggest a possible solution for this without knowing more about your system, which operating systems are installed, and in what order they were installed and/or became unavailable.

    It would also help to have the info the utility boot-repair supplies in a "Bootinfo Summary". If you would follow the instructions below to create a Bootinfo Summary and then update your question to include the link to the summary, it would help us advise you on how to fix your problem booting windows.

How to use boot-repair to provide a "Bootinfo Summary"

Since your can still boot Ubuntu, you directly install and run the Boot-Repair tool and use it to Create a Bootinfo summary.

First, install the Boot-Repair tool using apt-get. The terminal commands to do this are

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair
  1. After that completes, enter the command boot-repair to start the tool.
  2. After a slight delay, boot-repair will prompt you to download the newest version. Since you just installed the latest version, answer No.
  3. If boot-repair asks to install the pastebinit package, respond with Yes.
  4. The tool will now scan your system and (eventually) display the window shown in the image below. Click on the Create a Bootinfo summary box/button. This will collect information about your system's boot configuration, but will not make any changes.

    Initial Boot-Repair Window

  5. When the bootinfo summary has been created, boot-repair will display a message containing a URL which should look like this:

    Please update/edit your question and add this URL. The information in the pastebin this link points to will (I hope) help us diagnose the problem.

Reply to comment @ 2012-05-06 23:18:37Z

Any time there I turn on the PC i see the BIOS configuration, then appear Loading system and 3 seconds later appear the [Signal out of range] message.

I am not sure I understand. Most of the PCs I am familiar with show BIOS POST messages when they startup/boot. Is the "BIOS configuration" which you see now different in some way? Or did you see the same BIOS messages previously when only Windows was installed?

Try pressing and holding the shift key immediately after you see the Loading system message. This is supposed to make the GRUB boot menu appear. Does it?

Your system is having trouble showing Grub and console Linux. This is a grub issue that is currently being worked on.(Actually stalled at the bug tracker) To get into Windows, start up, and a few seconds in, and try pressing (down arrow key) 5 times(I looked at your pastebin entry) and press Enter. Note that this applies to the OP's configuration, so if you have a GRUB configuration different from the OP's, then this may not help you.

If this fails, hold shift when it says loading system and try to press down 5 times, followed by enter, hopefully booting Windows. Unfortunately, until you can figure out what order the menu is in, you are groping in the dark. I'd try an ATI video card. Boot-repair will not help but you can try using lilo instead of Grub.

Alternatively, you could try loading Grub through ntldr so you have a choice for Windows before you get into blind grub, but this is not ideal and should be avoided. I currently see this issue with my Nvidia card and this workaround has not failed me yet.