How do I send a notify OSD message to a remote user via ssh?

Sometimes we need to send a message to a remote user. We can display messages on our local desktop using Notify OSD, but we are unable to send a message to the remote user's desktop.

We tried the following:

ssh user@remote   
notify-send message

-> Sends message to the local display but not to the remote.

ssh admin@remote
sudo -u user "notify-send message"
sudo: notify-send user: command not found

-> There was a command not found error.

ssh -X user@remote "DISPLAY=:0 notify-send message"

-> Again sends the message to my local box only.

Is there any way to send a message to the remote desktop?

Solution 1:

Have you tried

ssh user@host 'DISPLAY=:0 notify-send "TEST MESSAGE."'

Answer taken from (without the -X option as suggested by jjmontes)