Yesterday I found an old micro SD card laying in my drawer and decided to check what's in it using an adapter. The card contained some non-important files and I deleted them.

I took it out and put it back in to check if everything's OK, but I saw that the files are still there. I repeated the process, yet still the files remain.

I tried formatting it few times, but an error always pops out:

udisks-error-quark 0

I also tried using GParted and failed.

I tried formatting it one last time and this time an error didn't even pop up. How can I format the card?

Solution 1:

SD cards have a habit of dying, even when you buy good brands: The amount of write cycles is limited. I found MicroSD even worse, in particular when using them in a smartphone; smartphones tend to write a lot on those cards. After a year or two of normal use, they tend to be toast.

My advice is: Trash that thing and get a new one. Those made for security cameras are somewhat more expensive, but they seem to be made for more write cycles.