Auto-connect to hidden wireless without elevating privilege

Solution 1:

If even after all warnings about using a hidden SSID you still want to use it, this is how you can do it.

Create a script, e.g. ~/bin/ with the follwing contents:

# Automatically try to connect to 'MyWiFi' when WiFi is enabled

# the output of nmcli should be in English

# loop for a while until NetworkManager is accepting commands
while [ "$(nmcli -t -f WIFI,STATE nm)" = 'enabled:disconnected' ]
 nmcli con up id MyWiFi
 sleep 5

exit 0

Then add it to your list of startup applications.

Of course you have to replace MyWiFi by your SSID name.

This information has been extracted from:

Solution 2:

I'd recommend not to use hidden network settings, because you'll have nothing but trouble from it (I am telling you this from my own personal experience).

It is not a security feature, in fact, if you google it a bit, you'll discover that your network can actually be less secure with hidden SSID. It may also be the cause you need to elevate..


Solution 3:

You can set the keystore password to blank, therefore you will not be asked for a password anymore (I mean the keystore password, not your account password, obviously).