Mac's hard drive is filling itself

Solution 1:

I found what was actually filling up my disk.


was 90G and growing.

I used DaisyDisk and analysed the disk in Administrator Mode (OmniDiskSweeper wasn't showing admin files).

I found on the internet that a lot of people had the same troubles.

Just open up a terminal and execute.

sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Caches/ 

Solution 2:

For me it was a lot of old xcode app archives and device support for previous iOS versions.

I used DevCleaner for Xcode to free up a ton of space.

The app is free and was simple to use. I'm not affiliated in any way.

Solution 3:

Presumably it's not obvious from the find...-print what app/process is generating those files.

You could use Activity Monitor's Disk tab and sort processes by Bytes Written. In an otherwise quiescent system the culprit should stand out like a sore thumb.

Solution 4:

There are multiple apps/features such as Dropbox, OneDrive and iCloud that allow you to backup files to the cloud and then sync them between computers.

It is my guess that you have one or more of these enabled and it is automatically downloading these files to your computer in an attempt to sync your computer with the remote storage.

One example is when a person uses Dropbox and is a member of a shared folder. Even if you delete the files locally it may continue to re-download those files.