Windows-10 auto-correct, how to use it with the keyboard?

Solution 1:

You can use Up Arrow key to select the suggested word then Right arrow key to navigate through the suggestions.

I verified it on Windows 10 Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134

Solution 2:

As I know, you cannot get auto correct with the hardware keyboard. Auto usually tends to show up when you get suggestions for whatever you are typing.

But hey, that does not mean you cannot use auto correct. To be clear the windows keyboard gives suggestions for the entries you make.

The fall back here is, auto correct is perfect with a touch screen PC and so if your PC is not a touch screen you will not enjoy the auto correct/suggestions much or probably at all.

If you are using windows 10, type on-screen keyboard in the search area.

Once the suggestion comes up, just click on the keyboard and it should open up. Now you have the auto correct keyboard/suggestions. Use your fingers to punch the keys on the screen if it's a touchscreen PC, if not then your mouse will do all the punching.

*Click the below image to see the screen-capture video. *The auto correct/suggestions did not respond well to the screenshot.

enter image description here