Why is each public class in a separate file?
I recently started learning Java and found it very strange that every Java class must be declared in a separate file. I am a C# programmer and C# doesn't enforce any such restriction.
Why does Java do this? Were there any design consideration?
Edit (based on few answers):
Why is Java not removing this restriction now in the age of IDEs? This will not break any existing code (or will it?).
I have just taken a C# solution and did just this (remove any file that had multiple public classes in them) and broke them out to individual files and this has made life much easier.
If you have multiple public classes in a file you have a few issues:
What do you name the file? One of the public classes? Another name? People have enough issues around poor solution code organization and file naming conventions to have one extra issue.
Also, when you are browsing the file / project explorer its good that things aren't hidden. For example you see one file and drill down and there are 200 classes all mushed together. If you have one file one class, you can organize your tests better and get a feel for the structure and complexity of a solution.
I think Java got this right.
According to the Java Language Specification, Third Edition:
This restriction implies that there must be at most one such type per compilation unit. This restriction makes it easy for a compiler for the Java programming language or an implementation of the Java virtual machine to find a named class within a package; for example, the source code for a public type wet.sprocket.Toad would be found in a file Toad.java in the directory wet/sprocket, and the corresponding object code would be found in the file Toad.class in the same directory.
Emphasis is mine.
It seems like basically they wanted to translate the OS's directory separator into dots for namespaces, and vice versa.
So yes, it was a design consideration of some sort.
From Thinking in Java
There can be only one public class per compilation unit (file).
The idea is that each compilation unit has a single public interface represented by that public class. It can have as many supporting “friendly” classes as you want. If you have more than one public class inside a compilation unit, the compiler will give you an error message.
From the specification (7.2.6)
When packages are stored in a file system (?7.2.1), the host system may choose to enforce the restriction that it is a compile-time error if a type is not found in a file under a name composed of the type name plus an extension (such as .java or .jav) if either of the following is true:
- The type is referred to by code in other compilation units of the package in which the type is declared.
- The type is declared public (and therefore is potentially accessible from code in other packages).
- This restriction implies that there must be at most one such type per compilation unit.
- This restriction makes it easy for a compiler for the Java programming language or an implementation of the Java virtual machine to find a named class within a package; for example, the source code for a public type wet.sprocket.Toad would be found in a file Toad.java in the directory wet/sprocket, and the corresponding object code would be found in the file Toad.class in the same directory.
In short: it may be about finding classes without having to load everything on your classpath.
Edit: "may choose" seems like it leaves the possibility to not follow that restriction, and the meaning of "may" is probable the one described in RFC 2119 (i.e. "optional")
In practice though, this is enforced in so many platform and relied upon by so many tools and IDE that I do not see any "host system" choosing to not enforce that restriction.
From "Once upon an Oak ..."
It's pretty obvious - like most things are once you know the design reasons - the compiler would have to make an additional pass through all the compilation units (.java files) to figure out what classes were where, and that would make the compilation even slower.
the Oak Language Specification for Oak version 0.2 (postcript document): Oak was the original name of what is now commonly known as Java, and this manual is the oldest manual available for Oak (i.e. Java).
For more history on the origins of Java, please have a look at the Green Project and Java(TM) Technology: An Early History
It's just to avoid confusion in the sense that Java was created with simplicity in mind from the perspective of the developer. Your "primary" classes are your public classes and they are easy to find (by a human) if they are in a file with the same name and in a directory specified by the class's package.
You must recall that the Java language was developed in the mid-90s, in the days before IDEs made code navigation and searching a breeze.