Verb to describe fluid pouring out in portions?

Solution 1:

As a native American English speaker, I would choose the verbs below for an intermittent or portioned liquid flow.

Dribble - (of a liquid) fall slowly in drops or a thin stream.

"Rain dribbled down the window."

Things that dribble are often portioned out by drops.

As your question indicated a larger volume of liquid, I think perhaps "spurt" would be more appropriate.

Spurt - (of a liquid) gush out in a sudden and forceful stream.

"He cut his finger, and blood spurted over the sliced potatoes"

"Spurt" can be used in noun form as well.

"Billy grew 40 centimeters in one growth spurt."

In my experience "spurt" is often used to communicate a one time jet of a finite amount, although it is used in other ways as well.

Solution 2:

Hmmh, I have heard the onomatopoeic word "glug" used as a verb for this:

The exhausted runner glugged down some water before starting the next leg of his run.

Solution 3:

I'm British, but one that comes to mind is gurgled. That is when the water-flow is intermittent and noisy due to the fact that air is trying to go in the other direction.

Solution 4:

Splash: cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops.

Spatter: to scatter (a liquid) in drops or small splashes; to come forth in drops or small splashes

Also splatter, sprinkle, sputter.