How to install wget on this?

I did download RubyStack 2.0.3 for VMWare (Ubuntu 9.10) but I cannot download anything on it! It appears that all basic utilities are missing/screwed:

bitnami@linux:/var/tmp$ wget
-bash: wget: command not found

bitnami@linux:/var/tmp$ curl
curl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared obj
ect file: No such file or directory

bitnami@linux:/var/tmp$ man wget
-bash: man: command not found

bitnami@linux:/var/tmp$ sudo apt-get install wget
[sudo] password for bitnami:
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Couldn’t find package wget

Any ideas how can I download anything on this machine? (I don't have physical access to it)


You gotta be kidding me...

bitnami@linux:~$ ftp
-bash: ftp: command not found

bitnami@linux:~$ smbclient
-bash: smbclient: command not found

I use debian, not ubuntu, but, the method should be the same

First, try:

sudo bash
apt-get update
apt-get -f install
apt-get install wget

Barring that,

cat /etc/apt/sources.list

Make note of the url prefix after deb

apt-cache show wget

look for:

Filename: pool/main/w/wget/wget_1.12-1.1_i386.deb

grab that in your local browser assembling the url portion from /etc/apt/sources.list and the filename portion from apt-cache show. scp the file to your machine,

dpkg -i wget_whatever.deb

If /etc/apt/sources.list is not set up correctly, try tekhammer's suggestion and then rerun apt-get update.