What happens when Ryo spends all his money before trying to buy the ticket?

On Disc 2 of Shenmue, Ryo tries to get a ticket to Hong Kong.

Because Ryo has not enough money, Fuku-san gives his piggy bank savings to Ryo. Ryo is now able to buy a boat ticket (¥69000) at the Asia Travel Company.

What happens if Ryo spends all his money (including Fuku-san’s savings) for toy capsules before buying this ticket?

Would you have to earn it back the hard way before the story can progress?

  • I guess working at the harbor isn’t possible yet (or is it?).
  • Ine-san gives you ¥500 each day. It would take 138 days. Not possible, because you’d be game over beforehand.
  • Slot machines. As far as I read, you can’t make money here (you can only get tokens and items).

Any other ways to earn money at this point?

You cannot spend the money before you buy the ticket - the game stops you from doing so.

In this Let's Play video, you can see an attempt to buy Squid Legs is made but the game prevents it: "I have to buy the ticket first"

Let's Play Shenmue, part 33 (minute 11)