Options for an SFTP server on a Windows Machine [closed]

We have a client who wishes to send files to us via SFTP (citing that FTP is inherently insecure). We have a Windows Environment (Windows 2003 Server).

Currently, I'm reviewing copssh (OpenSSH for Windows, http://www.itefix.no/i2/copssh), and am looking for alternatives, or thoughts on copssh or any other SFTP option for Windows. The simpler to setup and administer, the better.

I have never setup an SFTP host, before, so I'm curious what you all would recommend.

Solution 1:

I tend to have chunks of the CgyWin distribution (http://www.cygwin.com/) installed and have SSH+SFTP/SCP setup that way and gave found it to be reliable for this purpose under Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008*. It's SSH package is a complete port of the OpenSSH suit as found in most Linux distributions and many other Unix-a-likes (including BSD, where it originated).

Cygwin may be over-kill for you needs if all you need is SFTP though (I find it very useful to have a full Linux-a-like environment at my fingertips, but your description suggests that you do not need anything like that). copssh which you mention is actually based on the cygwin port of OpenSSH, my understanding it that it is simply the SSH parts and requirements pulled out of cygwin with nothing else, so should work just as well.

Long story short: I recommend you keep investigating copssh, unless you want some of the many other things that come with cygwin in which case investigate that instead.

[*] I had problems with exim via cygwin under 2008, though that was a while ago before 2008 was officially supported so that may be a resolved problem, but SSH with bash and all the usual command line tools I use have worked flawlessly.

Solution 2:

I found the permissions model discontinuities between CopSSH, Cygwin, and Windows/NTFS to be a colossal headache to keep straight. It was three ACL layers that needed to line up, as I recall. And it was very sensitive to .dll versions. This was several years / jobs ago, perhaps it's been improved. For me it was a case of things being "free only if your time is worth nothing"... even when it was my paycheck that saw the benefit from the time spent fighting the software.

These days I spend the $100/Box for WinSSHD from BitVise, which has been solidly set-and-forget. I have no affiliation beyond being a happy customer; have a look at WinSSHD.

edit: WinsSSHD SFTP setup step-by-step

Solution 3:

You can try SFTPPlus Server. It works on Windows but also Linux and Unix. It comes with a web based administrative tool to configure SFTP / SCP protocols and accounts.

In the same time it provides support for FTPS (explicit and implict) and HTTP / HTTPS, so you can access the same files over multiple protocols.

As commented before, the permissions in Cygwin are a big headache, this is why I recommend a native server.

I am one of the people who develop SFTPPlus