Is it safe to delete log file in C:\Windows\system32\LogFiles\Httperr

Files in C:\Windows\system32\LogFiles\Httperr folder growing very big and take a lot of space.

DO anybody know whether it is safe to delete these files?

They are just logfiles so from a technical perspective you can throw they away (except for the most recent, which will probably in use).

It possible though that because of compliance regulations or company policy you need to retain these for some period of time.

Find out if that is the case and simply move the oldest to other media if needed.

The logging behavior itself can be configured in the property panels of Internet Information Server. You can even switch it of altogether if you don't need the logs or move them to another location so they don't clog up your c: drive.

Yes it is safe to delete them, as they are just log files. But the fact that it's getting large means that it's storing a lot of errors from your IIS server, this is just something to be aware of.