How do I open a new git bash terminal window at my current location in windows?

When running git bash, I can open a new bash window at my root with Alt+F2

I can open a windows explorer window at the current directory path

$ explorer .


$ sh

to open a new terminal window at my location just returns

sh: __git_ps1: command not found

and opens the shell in the current window without git running.

How can I quickly open a new bash shell at my location?

Solution 1:

StuperUser answer is correct, but I want to add that besides adding shell script in a PATH environment it's also possible to add a simple bash alias into .bashrc or .bash_profile files.

Just create alias:

alias git-bash='/git-bash.exe & > /dev/null 2&>1'

bashrc and bash_profile it's a standard BASH configuration files, you can found them in your user home folder.

More information Bash startup files

Solution 2:

Since this is specifically for a git-bash terminal, add the Git directory (C:\Program Files\Git) to your path (

Then run

$ git-bash

to open a new git-bash at the current location.

But to avoid blocking the current terminal it will be necessary to use & > /dev/null 2&>1 to run in the background and pipe the result into null (see, so added the command to a .sh in the directory to call it simply.