Dock auto-hide not working on Desktop Ubuntu 20.04.1

Solution 1:

You can get finer-grain control over how the dock behaves via the gsettings API.

If you wish to deal with these settings via a graphical user interface, then you can install the dconf-editor app:

sudo apt install dconf-editor

Open it and navigate to the schema, or, for a similar effect use the search button and search for "dash-to-dock".

You will be presented with a number of settings (presented in alphabetical order).

The most interesting ones for your case are quoted below.

I believe that I have the dock set up to behave in a similar way that you are aiming for — it shows up only when I move my mouse cursor to the left edge of the screen — so I also share my settings:

Dock shown on mouse over

I have this enabled ^^

Dock always visible

I have this disabled ^^

Dock dodges windows

I have this disabled ^^ (I think this is the most significant one impacting the behavior in question.) (By default, it was enabled.)


I have this ^^ set to 50

Require pressure to show the dash

I have this enabled ^^

Solution 2:

The answer by @Levente is correct. If you'd like to use the command-line to adjust the appropriate setting, without having to install dconf-editor, simply run the following:

gsettings set intellihide false