Time setting on iPad changes when I cable-connect to laptop (during Zoom)

I teach on Zoom with my iPad Air connected to my MacBook Pro laptop by cable. I experience the following problem/bug that I would like to have fixed:

  1. My MacBook Pro laptop has the correct time.

  2. My iPad Air (3rd gen) has the correct time.

  3. When I connect my iPad to my laptop via a cable, my iPad suddenly changes to a random and incorrect time. This instantly fixes itself when I disconnect the cable.

In particular, the instant I "share screen" in Zoom (meaning the Zoom session that I am running on my laptop shares the screen of the Ipad via a cable connection), my iPad suddenly displays an incorrect time that has nothing to do with either the time setting of my laptop or the original time setting of my iPad. This is frustrating because I need to view the time while I am teaching, but I consistently view the incorrect time when I look at my iPad screen (I have to remember to view my laptop screen for the correct time).

Solution 1:

Was this figured out? As others have said, I have the same issue with the same time 9:41. It makes me concerned when I teach because I see the time and think I have gone over until I remember the issue. (apologies for not commenting instead. I just joined and it won't let me).