Are there iphone apps or automation for taking photos and sharing low resolution versions?

I need to take low resolution photos on iPhone5 like at 640*480, 320*240 etc. Low resolution photo is so that they can be uploaded easily. I don’t see a way to tell iOS to do this by default from the camera application.

  • Only requirement is to upload as easily as possible low resolution photos. * No photo editing capability is necessary.
  • If the photos can’t be processed in place, an automated way to reduce them and optionally delete the originals is ideal.
  • most important is an easy way to get low resolution versions of all the photos shared out and uploaded.

So, any free, light weight, iOS app suggestion for taking low resolution photos with rear cam ?

Solution 1:

Did you look at Simple Resize which seems to do what you are looking for.

On iOS 12 - the app Shortcuts by Apple can automate all of this now for you.

  • take a picture (preview or not)
  • resize it
  • save it to an album / share it to a shared album / save it to files (google / Dropbox / box / iCloud) / send it to an app

The last step can do just about anything you might want with images just taken and basically modify the camera to take reduced photos and optionally share them out as well if you don’t want to just have them taken.

Solution 2:

The lowest I have seen is by using Camera+ by TapTapTap, which offers an "optimised" quality setting allowing for a maximum width/height of 1200 in the longest direction. Others may shoot lower than this, but I am not aware of any specifically.