How can I "Delete All" from Inbox or Sent mail folder in iOS?

  1. Go to your Sent folder
  2. Tap on the "Edit"-Button on the top right
  3. Select the first email in your list
  4. Hold down the "Move" button
  5. While you are still holding the "Move"-Button, deselect the first E-Mail
  6. Put away all your fingers from the screen and wait a few seconds
  7. Now Mail asks you where to move ALL of your emails
  8. Select the Trash-Folder
  9. Inside the Trahs-Folder, you can delete all items at once

This worked for me:

  1. Select the Sent Items folder
  2. Select Edit
  3. Select Select All (all the sent e-mails will be highlighted)
  4. Press the Delete key (all the highlighted e-mails will move to the Deleted Items folder
    • a) Right click on the Deleted Items folder
    • b) Select Empty 'Deleted Items' folder


  1. If your Outlook is set-up to automatically delete the items in the Deleted Items folder, they will auto delete when you close Outlook.