Linux find file names with given string recursively [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Use the find command,

find . -type f -name "*John*"

Solution 2:

The find command will take long time because it scans real files in file system.

The quickest way is using locate command, which will give result immediately:

locate "John"

If the command is not found, you need to install mlocate package and run updatedb command first to prepare the search database for the first time.

More detail here:

Solution 3:

This is a very simple solution using the tree command in the directory you want to search for. -f shows the full file path and | is used to pipe the output of tree to grep to find the file containing the string filename in the name.

tree -f | grep filename

Solution 4:

use ack its simple. just type ack <string to be searched>