How to get the nvidia driver version from the command line?

For debugging CUDA code and checking compatibilities I need to find out what nvidia driver version for the GPU I have installed. I found How to get the cuda version? but that does not help me here.

Solution 1:

Using nvidia-smi should tell you that:

bwood@mybox:~$ nvidia-smi 
Mon Oct 29 12:30:02 2012       
| NVIDIA-SMI 3.295.41   Driver Version: 295.41         |                       
| Nb.  Name                     | Bus Id        Disp.  | Volatile ECC SB / DB |
| Fan   Temp   Power Usage /Cap | Memory Usage         | GPU Util. Compute M. |
| 0.  GeForce GTX 580           | 0000:25:00.0  N/A    |       N/A        N/A |
|  54%   70 C  N/A   N/A /  N/A |  25%  383MB / 1535MB |  N/A      Default    |
| Compute processes:                                               GPU Memory |
|  GPU  PID     Process name                                       Usage      |
|  0.           Not Supported                                                 |

Solution 2:

On any linux system with the NVIDIA driver installed and loaded into the kernel, you can execute:

cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version

to get the version of the currently loaded NVIDIA kernel module, for example:

$ cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version 
NVRM version: NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module  304.54  Sat Sep 29 00:05:49 PDT 2012
GCC version:  gcc version 4.6.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 

Solution 3:

modinfo does the trick.

root@nyx:/usr/src# modinfo nvidia|grep version:
version:        331.113

Solution 4:

Windows version:

cd \Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI


Solution 5:

[NOTE: I am not deleting my answer on purpose, so people see how not to do it]

If you use:

me@over_there:~$  dpkg --status nvidia-current | grep Version | cut -f 1 -d '-' | sed 's/[^.,0-9]//g'

you will get the version of the nVIDIA driver package installed through your distribution's packaging mechanism. But this may not be the version that is actually running as part of your kernel right now.