How to do this using jQuery - document.getElementById("selectlist").value

In jQuery, what is the equivalent to document.getElementById("selectlist").value ?

I am trying to get the value of a select list item.


Solution 1:

"Equivalent" is the word here


$('#selectlist').val(); equivalent to...

document.getElementById("selectlist").value's worth noting that...


...although 'equivalent' is not the same as...

document.getElementById("selectlist") the former returns a jQuery object, not a DOM object.

To get the DOM object(s) from the jQuery one, use the following:

$('#selectlist').get(); //get all DOM objects in the jQuery collection
$('#selectlist').get(0); //get the DOM object in the jQuery collection at index 0
$('#selectlist')[0]; //get the DOM objects in the jQuery collection at index 0

Solution 2:


Solution 3:

Chaos is spot on, though for these sorts of questions you should check out the Jquery Documentation online - it really is quite comprehensive. The feature you are after is called 'jquery selectors'

Generally you do $('#ID').val() - the .afterwards can do a number of things on the element that is returned from the selector. You can also select all of the elements on a certain class and do something to each of them. Check out the documentation for some good examples.