How do I get past the stealth part in the tutorial?

Seems there is no reliable and reproducible way of getting past this. I did it on multiple occasions, where I threw things around and snuck past the guards behind their backs, the whole time crouching.

They sometimes detected me, and at other times just minded their own business.

At one time I took the left corridor, threw a small glass item to the right when I reached the mid part, then sprinted off to the finish. So stealth is not the only option here, and I think that's the message the game wants to deliver: there are always options.

I needed a few tries and eventually made it by creating distractions tossing objects one way and going into a dark area in the other, by taking the second corridor right and not the first, and by using some luck.

The body armor will greatly increase your chances of getting through the stealth course if you make mistakes. However, the stealth portion of the tutorial is very important considering you can't always go in with guns blazing to get past a scenario.