Is "stationery" the name of the store that sells pens, pencils, paper, school things, etc.?

In Brazil we call this store by the generic name of papelaria, something like "paper store".

What is the correct name for this? Is "Stationery" the name in any country that speaks English? I read about it in Wikipedia, but I am still not sure.

In America, the place you're looking for is usually called an "Office Supply Store".

Unless you are looking for construction paper, drawing pencils, inking pens, and other supplies for creating art. Then you would go to an Arts & Crafts Store.

You might find such supplies in an Office Supply Store, but a store that more specifically caters to the arts would be an "Arts and Crafts Store".

Stores that sell only paper and drawing tools would be called a Stationery Store, but are fairly rare. So there isn't really a name for those kinds of stores beyond that. More common are stores that offer supplies for businesses (Office Supply Stores) or artists/craftsmen (Arts & Crafts Stores).

In the UK, a shop that sells stationery is a stationer’s, but there are few shops that sell stationery and nothing else.