A word to express 'currently active' [closed]

There are legal terms that relate

executory - That which is yet to be fully executed or performed; that which remains to be carried into operation or effect; incomplete; depending upon a future performance or event. The opposite of executed.

executed - adj. to have been completed. (Example: "it is an executed contract")

The problem with this pair is that executed can refer to something that is committed to but not yet actively begun, such as something that is to be started in the future.

More commonplace choices for the running concept are

  • in process
  • active
  • incomplete
  • continuing
  • advancing
  • evolving
  • unfolding
  • developing
  • proceeding
  • live
  • operative
  • in force
  • functioning

The choice very much depends on the field of the activity and the tone you are trying to convey. The choices for the completed concept would be as broad and varied.

An Ongoing project

A task that is underway

"Inchoate" is not suitable, meaning "just begun, undeveloped" (from Latin choare = to begin).

I suggest : functioning, in action, in operation ; "working" and "operative" could do, but don't imply "active in this moment" (I may have a working radio-set, but off right now).