Set timeout on

I have some code that copies using httpCore util copyURLtoFile() but I can't seem to find anything about timeouts in the documentation like I was able to with httpClient. The file it's pulling shouldn't pull out, but depending on that is.... interesting.

    URL pjmUrl = new URL("myFile");
    File projLoad = new File("projLoad.txt");, projLoad);

If the third line should timeout, the program has no way to throw an error based on runtime or to check for threadInterrupted()

Solution 1:

You must be looking at old javadocs. In the current release (2.4) here is an overload of the copyURLToFile method that has two timeout parameters:

  public static void copyURLToFile(URL source,
                             File destination,
                             int connectionTimeout,
                             int readTimeout)
                      throws IOException

As the javadoc explains, the time unit is milliseconds.


Solution 2:

Not true, the overloaded method

FileUtils.copyURLToFile(URL source,
                        File destination,
                        int connectionTimeout,
                        int readTimeout)

does not exist in the latest 2.4. version, although the method is listed in Javadoc:,,%20int,%20int)

I'm positively sure that I'm using the 2.4 version of Apache commons-io.

P.S.: I also downloaded source ( to make sure that the above method really doesn't exist (anymore?) and inside there really isn't such method.