New posts in apache-commons

Does Apache Commons HttpClient support GZIP?

Java - Append quotes to strings in an array and join strings in an array

Why was org.apache.common.lang3 StringEscapeUtils deprecated?

No header mapping was specified, the record values can't be accessed by name (Apache Commons CSV)

Joining a List<String> in Java with commas and "and"

Set timeout on

Range of valid character for a base 64 encoding

Copy POJO content from one bean to another

Lightweight JDBC helper library alternative to Apache Commons DbUtils [closed]

tomcat-dbcp vs commons-dbcp

How to send java.util.logging to log4j?

Bi-directional Map in Java? [duplicate]

Is StringUtils.EMPTY recommended?

How to Serialize a list in java?

Logging framework incompatibility

What are the big improvements between guava and apache equivalent libraries?

Getting NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android java code?

How can I generate a list or array of sequential integers in Java?

Apache Commons equals/hashCode builder [closed]

How can I get an HTTP response body as a string?