Allowing a child Iframe to call a function on its parent window from a different domain

Solution 1:

You can communicate between frames via the message posting API.

For example, in your child frame you might call:

parent.postMessage("child frame", "*");

And in the parent frame, register a message handler:

window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
    console.log("Hello from " +;

Solution 2:

There are a number of options here:

Solution 3:

This problem can be easily solved by using an .htaccess rewrite.


A. Create a directory named "iframeContent/" on SERVER 1.

B. Place in that directory a file named index.php containing:


<script type="text/javascript">




This is the content of the iFrame. It will call a function in a parent.

C. Create a directory named "iframeTesting_without-htaccess/" on SERVER 2.

D. Place in that directory a file named index.php containing:


<script type="text/javascript">

    function check() { 




<iframe id="sidebnrId" name="sidebnr"
src="PATH-ON-SERVER-1/iframeContent/" frameborder="0"
height="500px" width="600px" scrolling="no"></iframe>



This is simply the content of the parent windows. Just note that the iFrame content is located on another server (because on SERVER 1).

E. Access "PATH-ON-SERVER-2/iframeTesting_without-htaccess/" with a web-browser -> nothing happens: the iframe does not have access to the function of its parent.


F. Create another directory named "iframeTesting_with-htaccess/" on SERVER 2.

G. Place in that directory a file named index.php containing:


<script type="text/javascript">

    function check() { 




<iframe id="sidebnrId" name="sidebnr"
src="content-iframe/" frameborder="0"
height="500px" width="600px" scrolling="no"></iframe>



This time the iFrame does not point anymore directly to the content on SERVER 1 but to an intermediate fictive directory "content-iframe/" located on the same server (SERVER 2).

H. Place in that directory a .htaccess file containing:

Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /

RewriteRule ^content-iframe/$ PATH-ON-SERVER-1/iframeContent/ [R,NC,P]

The role of that file is to redirect any access to the fictive directory to the content on the SERVER 1.

I. Try again, access "PATH-ON-SERVER-2/iframeTesting_with-htaccess/" with a web-browser. This time it will work. I hope it helped :-)

Solution 4:

In modern browsers, you can use window.postMessage() to communicate between cooperating frames on different domains. You can't call a function directly, but you can pass data or messages between the two. See the description on MDN.