using javascript variable in MVC3 Razor view engine

Is it possible?

@Html.ActionLink( "Link text", "Action Name", new { id = *JAVASCRIPT VARIABLE* })

Please explain with example code.

Solution 1:

It actually is very much possible with the following:

var hello = "Great Job!";

var text = "@Html.ActionLink( "Link text", "Action Name", new { id = "JSVar" })"
text = text.replace("JSVar",hello);

As easy as that! :)

All the @Html.Action link does is create a url string so doing replace on it is the same as replace on any javascript string

Solution 2:

No it is not possible, because .NET MVC 3 is server side code and is evaluated before being sent to the client, and javascript is Client side code which runs only once it is ON the client

BUT the reverse is possible:

var jsVar = "@yourMvcVar";