Make a desktop shortcut of Chrome Extensions

Solution 1:

All you really would have to do is get the Chrome Extension ID of the app and then add it to a .desktop file.

Goto chrome://extensions and that will bring them all up. Look for the app in question:

Details of a Chrome extension called LINE. Its ID is "ophjlpahpchlmihnnnihgmmeilfjmjjc".

Then add that ID with a /index.html at the end of it to the command that Google Chrome will launch. For example, a "Line Chat.desktop" with the following lines:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Line Chat
Comment=Line Chat
Exec=google-chrome --app="chrome-extension://ophjlpahpchlmihnnnihgmmeilfjmjjc/index.html"

You can always find an icon you like and add it to the Icon= line.

The --app=<url> argument tells Chrome to launch in app mode, hiding UI elements. If you want the extension page to open in an ordinary tab, use something like

Exec=google-chrome "chrome-extension://ophjlpahpchlmihnnnihgmmeilfjmjjc/index.html" 


Hope this helps!